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nature and nurture


"most romantic love scene performed by very talented actors fails to generate emotional response in a child, as the shringaar rasa - (the sthaayi bhaava, the romance) the romantic feeling is not formed in a child yet." - bharat muni on natyashastra, treaties on theatrical arts.

on experiential level there is a space thinner than the shadow between the primordial impulse and abstract thought; and in that narrow space the elements forming all things and beings communicate with each other, spontaneously connecting the form with the elements’ natural function in motion.


truth, as is, as felt as nature’s experientially ecological existence; truth as interpreted by the thought, creating the conflict between nature and nurture.

one is conceived in coming together of various elements. at death these elementary forms’ present states disintegrate, and integrate in yet different formations. even though what is happening is a wholesome act, being born or dying is not repeatable, nor one can retain it as memory, nor can one learn anything from that experience. in fact, not even the day today experience is repeatable. everything, like every moment, happens just once. that which is a living being constantly changes, evolves. consider the changing forms a grain seed undergoing transformations, from seed to plant to food, to excrement, to soil and so on, interacting with other elements along the process relating the form with motion functioning beyond the scope of thought.

that change, the evolving is the motion of life expressed in actions. a living being cannot not act. physical biology does not distinguish between voluntary, the athletic type physical motions and involuntary, the forced laborer work. the effects of emotional aspects of every biological motion are experienced as biologically agreeable (pleasant) or disagreeable (painful) sensations, as feelings. it is beyond the notions of provincial preferences. that is as is, and it does not subject itself to likes and dislikes. except for the purely physical pains and some ecocentric sense of fulfillment all pleasures and pains are acquired as thought through propaganda induced fear of being left out, fear of survival. and this artificially induced effects of thought out actions can be modified or undone to some extent; the effects of “legal” (pharmaceutical) or illegal drugs created ailments, for instance.

being alive is experienced as motion, both physical and emotional, together, when flowing with the pace of natural need for an initiating act or responding act. all living elements, whether in the forms of stone, vegetation or creatures move in harmonious interactions among the elements. so is true with the humans who are not enslaved or are in forced service of others as wage slaves. as these unintended, imposed and ordered acts are not made in response to one’s personal need, they are devoid of the emotional content, such as a sense of fulfillment, like drinking water that quenches the thirst. this interrelated interdependence among the water, thirst and sense of quench is the nature’s interplay of form with function. a severance of the physical motion of a limb or organ from its mindfulness as the function of the brains then lets the brains to act as thinking organ without the function of the related body parts; or brains acting in sync with the ghost limbs, like the quivering severed tail of the house lizard, or like the body of the dead snake that moves when touched. thus persons who act mechanically, performing somebody else’s physical motions create a second (body)self made of thought. as the severed limb creates a mental sensation of a ghost limb, a slave’s or a slave labourer’s entire physical body is severed from that person’s natural motions of life. so one creates a ghost person and creates a second self that lives in the world of the day dream, weaving the web of the wishful thinking.

all other naturally existing creatures experience no duality of thought and active response, which is common among the urban way of life. if and when not acting upon such reactionary thought, almost all such movements have been observed to be not just futile, but are also experienced to be harmful. wishful thinking can never change the natural motions of interacting elements. acceptance of this in itself enables one to let one to exist wholesomely accepting that problems are the justification for having brains. after all, it is only in relating to the new that one needs to be aware of the new; machines are better equipped for the repeat performances. among all living creatures the human species, and among the humans, the urban humans experience the conflict between nature and nurture. for the other creatures nature is the nurturer.

it is in thinking that one can live in day dream. and thinking for the most part is made up of the improvised memory of the past, both pleasant and painful. thoughts are interdependent with words of one’s language, the mother tongue or the language one speaks, writes and thinks in. it may be a colloquial in form and function, but when thinking, one feels it to be inadequate in expressing or conveying what one feels. so one adds the physical gestures of the face head and the hands, as it is done in the theatrical performances.

what is happening on stage is all thought out motions devoid of the factual consequences for the actors or the audience, so the theatre acts are augmented by the exaggerated physical motions like head, face and hands; the musical sounds and the set and light effects. in classical indian training for the speech, an ideal posture for the speaker is standing with arms folded and expressinging all that one wants to convey is only in words. this writer had had some initial training of such speechmaking. it included gathering together all one’s perceptive senses in observing the central theme evolving like the seed becoming the fruit bearing tree. and it is spontaneous, much as the seed that does not need a step by step of description on how to grow up. so, too, the speech is not mouthing the speech writer’s words written down on paper or in computer, as most speakers these days do. in this person’s personal experience of such memorized speech mouthed by a u.s. vice president rockefeller at the international house of japan in 1969. in the short speech he advised the japanese saying that “ japan should retain it rich traditional culture while at the same time become modern.” in the audience’s response time this writer had asked the v.p., that the tradition and becoming modern are contradictory, how can japan retain its traditions and be modern? the v.p. had not given any thought on the prepared speech. so to avoid facing this contradiction of the terms, cleverly he stated, that this “raised question being educational, let the host professor nakamura answer it” professor hajime nakamura asked this person to restate the question, and after hearing it, agreed with this person saying that both the traditional and modern are being opposite of each other, cannot be practiced together.”

in thinking one improvises or even creates new words. this works fine when thinking, acting or when writing stories, but it creates misunderstanding when communicating with others. the language of the law, church and commercial ads, for instance, that never really convey the substance of the words used. common language is commonly understood when referring to the appropriate action needed in the now. but in discussing and talking about the some unrelated abstract idea about things, when everyone makes one’s own meanings of the words of the common language, the mutual understanding remains absent. then person of power creates a new dictionary of the same language trying to explain one’s stance with the new meanings of the words in the very language. thus one word forms two or many contradictory meanings of the same word, like the language of the court, religion and politicians. the physical act of killing, for instance: it is in legal profession perceived in terms of degrees, like the first or second degree murder. this upping and downing of the degrees is invented by the two sides to intensify or reduce the punishment. the lawyer’s language, called legalese is professionally kept out of the common folks to safeguard the lucrative legal industry. the nine supreme court justices of the nation almost never arrive at the unanimous decision of the case, and their one vote this way or that way defines the outcome of someone else’s act as just or criminal; the lawyer selected members of the jury made up of the lay persons get swayed by the clever language of the feuding lawyers, fall behind the juror who persists in their deliberations discussing the case.

if the outcome of the case also punishes the lawyers and judges and the jury, the legal perspective of the right and the wrong would change; the language as the medium of communication would become really common., and ultimately, the life of people simpler in absence of discriminatory apartheid of high and low created by the commerce controlled education.

as the population increase adds to the already overcrowded degreed graduates of every subject offered by educational institutions, these persons are then forced to seek the means of earning a living, whether or not they are well informed and are able to perform the job. as they cannot find jobs due to the overcrowding of applicants, the employing agencies find ways to create new position, needing new workers. and one such new subject added in the school syllabus is advertising. it covers every subject listed in the school syllabus, creating graduates who advise and guide every other professional from art to managing a business of saving or destroying life of people who are themselves experts in one particular field of knowledge; and hence who are ignorant enough to be gullible in every other motion of life outside of their cubicle or work station, be it in a factory or in the nation’s governance and defense.

this working to earn a living requires a paper that advertises paper holder’s credentials. depending upon the prestige related wage and perks, one also employs a person or a team of advertising personnels to sell oneself. the biggest such advertising venture in the world is to promote a person for the office of the u.s. presidency. all elected government officials win their seats more with the advertising than with their own personal talents. in the u.s. congress election of 2022, one person from newyork got elected faking his credentials, and now, the rule bound congress is stuck with a liar person among them. advertising for the presidential election costs in millions of dollars. this is quite unlike a living in the time before printing press was invented. the printed certificate of diploma has imprinted letters not on the paper only, but deeply also on the memory cells of the educated brains. the words are imprinted in the brains much like the volumes printed on computer, invisible until touched upon. once acquiring the position, almost every aspect of the thus chosen person’s motions are geared to retain the status quo with the help of the staff, even to “go fishing” -- as one u.s. president did and as some other played golf, when his nation’s soldiers are in the battlefield where they are killing or getting killed. all the presidential moves are planned as determined by his propaganda staff to be necessary for the re-electability of the position of the president, and hence also of his unelected hired hands.

the current president thus elected and acting as determined by his staff is now in the mid way of his four year term, and they are already busy planning the winning of second term in the office. the president is about 80 years old, and unwillingly shows signs of physical and mental decay. were he not a product of the commerce created u.s. culture, he would not be bought by the big business that controls and funds the very presidential election process. at that age one would naturally abstain from becoming a tool in creating and improvising the three major dangers causing the unusual climate change, the nuclear war and socioeconomic apartheid caused by the wage slavery.

the rich and kings live alike, and the etymology of the english language defines the word ‘rich stemming from latin, rex, to high german, reich to rich. when the rich do really control the living of the u.s. population, one wonders whether people are aware that they are ruled by the unelected bureaucrats, and the u.s. had never been a democratic nation from the start. the u.s. government is fashioned after the english system, with some words change, like the president for the king, the two houses of the english as the congress made up of house of representatives and senate. on paper, congress legislates and the president executes it. but in reality it is the less then 2 percent rich who control the nation, by the way of funding the national presidential and congress and states’ elections.

the japanese professor, philosopher hajime’ nakamura has written a book: the ways of thinking of the eastern people, of india, china and japan, comparing and contrasting with the latin, french and greek thinking. his theme was more linguistic than the thought process of the easterns forming their three languages. still, in these eastern languages it is the action and not the actor that is conveyed quite unlike in the west, where it is the actor who is all important.

with its various forms the language is a means of communication with all elemental beings. thought is formed in a minuscule gap between a moment of experiencing and the natural response to it. among the humans this thought creates vocal expression, which then along with the natural growth of the person progresses from a cry to the linguistic forms of words, vocal or written, referring to the needed precise response. expressions beginning with the word: ‘’may” implies a possible needed action in response. expressions beginning with the phrase: ’i think’, denote the speaker’s not knowing what is required in response; expressions beginning with phrases like: ‘’i guess’’, ‘’i suppose,’’ depict one’s not knowing the right response. and the more common phrase:’’i believe’’ suggests nothing more than a learned reluctance to look into the problem at hand and going along with the commonly practiced mode of thought out form of function.

for an effective communication to be, first of all, all persons in communicative needs must have a language in common, and everyone must be aware of what each uttered and heard word means the same. but that does not seem to be the case, even within countries of monolinguistic culture. initially, a culture is created from the expanding family, like a seed becoming many a tree, and then becoming a forest, all its components have genes in common; like creatures of the same species. their common living space becomes a country. in multi linguistic country like india, each province or state has its state language made up of the people belonging to that language group. with each new invader king brought his own language making it a state language. farsi and english became the language of the court. but as the moguls’ and the english ways of thinking were based on the mono-deistic concept, they did not find acceptance of the masses.

and despite the socioeconomic pressure, and the english becoming the international medium of commerce and governmental communication, the masses of these former english colonies do not think in english. so india has two national language, hindi and english, both legally imposed, but not locally spoken everywhere. hindi is predominantly the language of the uttar pradesh, understood by people whose mother tongue is sanskrit based like hindi.

as for the english to become a fully international language, it must be compatible with the non native speakers in thought speech and the vocal chords. non native speakers can express very well in written english, but when it comes to speaking, their physiological construct of the forming the lungs, mouth and vocal chords find it to be inadequate to speak like the english person. and almost all other languages have more letters of their alphabets, and one letter having only one sound. the english language will have to create more letters with one sound for each letter, which would enable the non native speakers to speak correctly. it would also enable the english people to express and communicate with these new world community. other than the language, the other nationals have all excelled in the english made things, dispelling the racial superiority of the english stock. the problem magnifies when a non native speaker tries to say something of the native character, like even the name of the native person or thing or thought, having sounds that the english tongue proudly unwilling to learn to utter. to make the matter worse, the westernized indians themselves take pride in miss- pronouncing the indian words, reinforcing the westerners to intentionally spell and speak incorrectly, even misunderstand due to similar sounding another word, for example: rama (raama), as spoken by the english and englishized indians actually sounds like another sanskrit word: ramaa, meaning a woman.

in case of the indians, and other former colonials it is like the japanese emperor meiji officially making japan westernized: in japan everything is formally western; like the japanese practice of “western dress in the office, kimono at home; in wedding the english dress; and even those who became christians, go to church on sunday, and then go to the shinto shrine for the japanese rituals. as has been observed, such religious conversions happen because the it offers the converts the socioeconomic uplift. for most financially disadvantaged indians, and otherwise every other indian the overpowering preoccupation is to make two ends meet, and all the many pantheons offer a never fulfilled hope by appeasing their particular deity. that is hindutva, also of narendra modi’s. for those who really dig deeper in the indian main six philosophical concepts, and also in the jain and the buddhist thinking, one who practices it has the sense of equanimity in all walks of life, is nonviolent and compassionate; has no personal or provincial identity. the belief in god, for instance: believers retain the duality of thought and material existence, clinging to their immaterial beliefs while retaining the material comforts despite the contradiction. the prime example of this is the formation of every big and small nation of the world; some with the belief in god, like the u.s., iran and saudi arabia, or belief in technocracy, like the nations of the former u.s.s.r. or even like india, that the british partitioned into two country using the pretex of the hindu-muslim religious conflict. now present leader of india strives to formalize india as the hindu rashtra (the nation). the strange aspect of this is that both gandhi and pakistan’s founder mohammed ali jinnah were born in gujarat state only 20 miles apart, so is the current leader of the hindutva belief, narendra modi a gujarati. what the hindutva-vadi ignore is the fact that except for the authoritarian english speaking indians there was never the newly coined word in any of the many indian languages. there was the river named sindhu, which in the foreign tongue became hindu as the name for the land by that river. but that land was not the entire continent. the continental indian land mass was ruled by as many kingdoms as were that many different language speaking groups of people.

as for the ways of thinking, the asian people, they may have been taxed by different kings, but both the ruler and ruled did not consider the philosophical perspective sense of the ethereal matter to be under the domain of the rulers, like the english and islamic rulers did and do.

what is known as india was never one nation in reality, even under the british rule. at the political partition, india was actually some 546 different countries, each one governed by a ruler, who constantly fought with the neighbouring ruler and won or lost, affecting the people of the losing kingdom migratinging to the winning kingdom. then when the british brought all feuding kingdoms under their control, the indian began migrating to england and the english controlled aras, like australia, new zealand and africa. the very notion of controlling other people and creatures for one’s personal uplift creates the rich person, the king or president.

one of the effects of dwelling on the content of thought is that it dulls the nerves linking the physical organ activated in response, as it would otherwise create a physical motion. prolonged physical inaction beyond the needed physical rest and sleep is unwittingly practiced in the name of progress. machines have been replacing the human motions not only in slave labour, but are promoted in one’s personal household living, including cleaning the teeth with the mechanical toothbrush. the latest field of automation is the thinking, which, too, like every other mechanical form promotes its limitedness as the uniformity. the standardization of the thinking faculty, whether the needed thinking is for a practical problem of physical nature or arising from an unknown field, like whence and where to of the very nature of existence in standardized form of religion and philosophy. and in its common commercial form it comes as “putting words in someone’s mouth”, because the system knows you better than you yourself can ever know. without this form of standardization the commerce sector cannot exist, whether it is selling a new computer or new software, medicine to save life or a new weapon to destroy life.

a reaction to a thought out incident initially happens also in thought. and thought not having the material existence has no physical limitations to react to it in thought. a reaction to an actual incident or an event for most common persons unable to do anything about it would become a silent cry or distancing from the place or person associated with the unpleasant event. however, a materially resourceful person with the added following acquires more power gathered from his followers, such as hitler’s personal hatredness for the jews had thus found support from the german people. almost all popular movements, whether social, political or religious have found popular support from people who all have issues with some certain matter, and had collectively acted upon it being inspired to act upon the thought out remedy thought out by the authority figure, a guru, a politician or a wealthy person, the employer.

dialogue takes place between two person in need of responding to the same single issue. when there are more than two persons, dialogue becomes a lecture that prohibits the listening persons to disagree and to suggest something else that the speaker needs to listen to. when observing something new that concerns everyone, the most effective way to communicate with people is to write it down just as one would write in one’s journals. and print it or tape record it, and make it freely available also on the internet. reading enables the reader the pace to interact with the written matter point by point without missing out the next point as one misses hearing further while at the same time mentally responding to something one disagrees with or what one has observed differently.

then there is the non verbal language of communication with the humans as well as other creatures and tress and animals. this form is almost lost to the urban humans depending upon their reliance upon the printed or spoken word. among the non urban humans of the distant rural areas and the primitives it is fairly common. there is a special event formed to communicate between the person and plants in the farming community of rural gujarat in india. just before the start of the planting season, the young girls are guided to plant grains in bowls, using the same soil from the farm, same grain from the pantry bin and same water from the pot. this writer had watched his two elder sisters plant wheat in two bowls, and water each one’s own planted bowl guided by the mother. at the end of two weeks, despite of everything being likewise, the younger sister’s plants grew taller than the elder sister’s. and then the mother put the pondering question: why so? what was missing? then mother told them, that the plans, too, are living beings who need loving care like the infants. love is that nutritious element the lack of which retards the bubbling growth in infants and lush green growth in the plantlife. among the urban humans depending upon the emotional closeness one can work together asking and hearing each other nonverbally, not mysteriously, but in acute natural awareness of the work process of what needs to be done. and what one or the coworker needs to do, and doing it. there is a siamese old saying concerning the forest fire, that, ”the turtle knows of it three days in advance.” not only the turtle, but all other creatures and humans, too, can and do become aware of the process of motion eminently, without the computer assisted weather forecast, without the professional psychological assessment of behaviour trend.

when we do not pretend to be otherwise as status quo oriented propaganda of the media created by science, religion and commerce sectors, matter factly we are as much a biologically natural species as all other creatures whom we despise, abuse and kill. natural calamities, viral epidemics and death distinguish no manmade superiority over other specie.

as it is observed, in the less educated and non urban human societies that sense of the superiority is either does not exist or is not prominent factor in their day to day living. one of the reasons for this is that away from the urban areas, the people live in close proximity of the creatures of the wild and other geo-physical elements, and interact with them. this is not the case with the urban dwellers. beginning with birth, an infant is either born or brought out surgically from the mother’s womb surrounded by the salaried professionals of the medical industry, and thence forth, the infant is raised with the lotions and potions not asked by the infant, but despite the infant’s violent cries and protests, it is administered for the profit motive of the industry. this form of constantly being subjected to the imposition infant is subdued to swallow the harmful potions. in such vulnerable state the now a toddler, the child is enrolled in the preschool/kindergarten where it is conditioned to learn to take in the verbal input of command.

this is in contrast with the infants born in the primitive societies. there the population growth is maintained by the nature. it seems, that the human birth and death is on the par with all other creatures. the wholesomely active creature is not preoccupied with the notion of not wanting to be as one is. the physical intercourse of female and male is considered supremely elevating state of being among the cultured humans, especially males. in indian philosophy , the physical sex between woman and man is called the “brahmananda sahodara”, the sibling of brahmanand, the cosmic joy. the commerce sector takes advantage of that by producing the viagra pills for men whose sex drive is retarded with the woes of the modern living affected by bad food and other intake, and the preoccupation with improving or retaining the socioeconomic status quo.

brought up thus one made to accept or reject the textual input coming to one from paper or internet and tv and radio. this conditioning is happening for anywhere from the compulsory 12 years’s education, and then through what the linguistic environmental philosopher noam chomsky calls a “wage slavery” until retirement. by then in the old age with the diminishing capacity to resist, the elderly is still administered with some more fluids and physical motions called therapy, because the”old is gold” for the industry for the elderly care givers. finally, even when there is nothing left of the old person except the drying and cracking skin covered skeleton, the funeral services created out of the religious dogma performs the last right of robbing the kin of the deceased, selling the plot of land, and the padded coffin lest the dead would have sore limbs.

one of the overpowering learnt concern for the socioeconomically well situated humans is to live forever, or not succeeding in that, to live a long life. persons and creatures whose existence concerns factually from moment to moment, have no spare time, energy or thought of not only of living longer, but not have any thought of what death is. a deer being chased by a predator is sprinting away not to be caught, but once caught, all its struggles to escape stops, and dies while being gored. this writer had extensively and intensively watched the polish government published book titled: ‘we have not forgotten’, a book of photographs of the jewish concentration camp. the book was sent to the faculty of fine arts of baroda university, where this writer was an art student. the dean had told the class that all class may see the book, except this writer, saying that the photographs were too disturbing for this writer to absorb it. nevertheless this writer insisted on seeing the book, and sure enough, it took him years before he could overcome the effect, that made him observe minutely the photographs and news reels of the viet congs who were physically torn to pieces, and yet, when dead, had not a single trace of excruciating pain on their faces, but the serene tranquility. and for years the theme of his paintings contained his quest of what death is and is felt.

since then when seeing such deathly pictures, he emotionally becomes both the victim and victimizer, whether the victim or the victimizer is human or animal, bird or even earth and stone. and now the difference between a naturally occurring deaths like one in which tens of thousand of people and other geophysical changes that very recently happened, and it is happening in war in ukraine is seen very clearly, but without the idle and ideal reaction of the past.

birth and death in the natural world just happen at the exact moment when each elemental form’s natural link with the mutual function is complete. being fully ripened and needing no further nutritive juices, the fruit is naturally separated from the tree. whether it falls to the ground, or is eaten by a bird or an insect or a primate, the fruit moves from one form of interaction to another with other elemental forms. an aware person, too, just withdraws from the human form, once one’s natural function being completed in human form..

within the immediate educated urban culture, noam chomsky is an inspiration for the young and thinking adults for his insights in the human language and its universality even in different languages connecting all humans, generating the hope for a peaceful and just way of living. observations of the universal grammar has helped in understanding and remedying some problems concerning the children. noam observes this linguistic form of communication of humans to be unique to humans. no other creatures have limbs and organs and vocal chords for speech like the human’s. but then, it is likely that the much of noam’s active life is engaged in the field of thought and thinking guided human interactions mostly of violent nature. so he may not have had much chances to observe the way of life of other creatures and primitive human life, the universal grammar of the abstract form of language linking all elements in nature. in nature every species has the limbs and organs unique in itself, noam himself marvels the ability of an ant to finding its way that is not charted like the streets, and high ways, the gps, and it does not have the global positioning device for humans.

despite twelve to nearly one’s 1/3 of life spent in learning in the medium of language, even two sibling living in the same house or two students sitting on the same bench listening to the same professor, or a congregation of church or political creed grasps the matter exactly the same. creatures and humans are not created and maintained the same as any two bolts or nuts and other machine products. by nature, no two leaves or fruits of the same tree are identically exactly the same. schooling was designed for the one way communication from the king or the authority to the subjects. the other kind of knowing is purely individual that the authority despises as it interferes with the following of the command.

more verbose the society, the lesser the mutuality of sense of grasping the content. in contrast, the lesser the reliance on the vocal form of communication, the more developed is one’s sense of non verbal communication. people living in the jungle in the close proximity of the free creatures have the ability to communicate non verbally with and to understand other creatures, and even other natural elements. there is no urban linguistic word for the universality of the non verbal impulse that pulsates in the cosmos connecting the motions with purpose among all elements. there is a siamese saying: “ about the forest fire, the turtle knows three days in advance”. native jungle dwellers and farmers know this, too.

it is not that the urban humans are totally incapable of this instinctual awareness. it is simply because of the confined motions of life controlled and governed by the living dependent on the wage slavery. the much of modern human sense of awareness of what is is suppressed by the slave owners.

now let us see if this sense of dependency on wages to earn a living, not being natural, may be removed using the very linguistic skills that is used to control and retain slavery. of course, as gandhi had observed in his prime active life, that, “ it is not in the interests of the rich to cooperate with the poor; it is in the interests of the poor to non cooperate with the rich”. and that awareness of gandhi had helped in uniting the indians to vacate the british rule. gandhi was a good communicator. once in a townhall meeting gandhi talked about keeping the streets clean.. one young person told gandhi, that every city authority came to his village and criticized the unclean streets, but nobody ever showed them the remedy. gandhi saw a broom lying in some corner. he picked it and started sweeping the street. and not only people got the message, gandhi, too, got the message: do it yourself first, and then tell others.

there is an instant awareness of how things are, as they are and why this way or that way. though the language is universal, not every one knows it in terms what it can or cannot convey how and why. the modern life’s motions are all well defined and practiced like a well rehearsed stage performance, where neither the actor nor the audience needs to respond to and act upon what is said. its purpose is getting entertained for a few moments of their routine living. but even in that they are guided by the cheerleaders to synchronize their cheering and clapping. in some routinely dull presidential and bigwigs’ speeches there are prompers/clappers dispersed in the audience to give the standing ovation, whether or not one felt moved to do so. this form of prompting creates an embarrassment to remain seated when people near one are all standing up. it generates a thought in the seated person that others would assume that one did not stand up because one were incapable of appreciating the good performance or the message in speech; in literature, the publishers employ the book critics to promote the sale of the books. this form of prompted reaction is feeding people’s exaggerated fear of being singled out for being ignorant.

due to the process of education with the carrot and stick mode the dormant awareness is not awakening the people. it generates the fear of insecurity, the fear of losing out; starting with the good grades in the class, then progressing with finding an employment, then the promotion, finding and appeasing the spouse. and all the while it generates a wanting the pat on back by the superiors - teachers, preachers, officials, employers and peers, and even a kiss from one’s beloved spouse. that fear is the motivating factor that wants the recognition as the shield to hide the fear of the unknown.

this fear is not actually of unknown, for unknown being unknown one does not really know it to be harmful. the unknown being unknown one cannot think about it. thinking requires the medium of words and words are all about the known things, beings and acts. so the fear of the unknown is of losing the known. one knows everything about it and one also knows how to respond to the known, including one’s ability to respond and weaknesses in responding to it. so one thinks of what one would do and how. thinking is very verbal. see if you can think without words, without phrases made of the improvised impressions of the past events. that is memory. it is not a recorded movie of the past event.

one may do an experiment to see the factual happening and its fading impression as the memory. one may write down in journal of daily happenings. then as the journal progresses, writing first, and then reading what one wrote last week, last month, last year ten years ago… and see how memories are tainted with one’s present understanding of what is what. that understanding may be factual or of what one may have liked it to have happened. with the passage of time, the disturbing sore spots are softened with the idealized explanations and justifications for why one had acted the way one did.

feelings are biological response to a happening unlike thinking, feelings being felt in biological sensations they cannot be refelt the same for the second time, nor one can change what is felt. one can think about it as how it felt, but the thought of it does not become actual feeling. thinking about what was felt to be a pleasant sensation becomes a desire to have that pleasant felling, and in failing to have it one physically feels to be wrapped up in the opposite thought, the sadness, the misery and deep sorrow. in such a state of being, even one’s thinking drowns one into the miserable morass.

in order to be thinking on the process of an immediate response one is required to make in the now, one has to be wholesomely and passionately engaged in observing the hindered motion. it leaves one no spare time mind and energy for anything else but to find a way out. there, the mind is not an organ that does the thinking independently, but is a body part or even the entire body that is engaged in that particular action. but in a prescribed and regulated living such a creative impulse never arises. when one is forced to do some work one has no interest in, that one begins to think of escape. now an escape may get one out of the unpleasant and hurtful situation, but it may also lead one into more miserable place. for being someplace else and engaged doing one loves to do one has to have one’s every step taken in awareness free of the fear clouding one’s perceptive senses.

a wishful thinking needs to have one’s awareness disconnected with time, place and the physical motions that are repetitious and uninteresting. that unaware thinking itself is repetitive, and nothing comes out of it. as word: ‘create’ defines something that comes out of nothing for the first time, a creative act cannot be ordered, learnt or wished even by oneself. this negates the creative act to be a profession like the fine arts - the painting, sculpting, architecture, theatre, dancing and music and literature. if one genuinely questions these professions, one notices that these are commerce formed acts, promoted by the media for the benefit of the artists and their promoters. in the contemporary arts fields, unless the artist is made famous by the promoters, nobody bothers to go and view such work, or acquire it. and just because one is made famous for one work it does not enable the artist to have the second work to be as creative. but then, the viewers, too, are not free to see and feel for and by themselves. people buy things made by persons made famous and familiar to them with the help of the advertising and media.

one needs to see how influential is this notion of familiarity in one’s life’s motions, whether in one’s acquisitions or even in one’s likes and dislikes of religious, philosophical and social matters. the advertising industry is all about conditioning the masses to guide to spend their hard earned money in a promoted way, in health or sickness, every which way to try to ward off the fear of being left out, and follow the crowd.

birth and death are increasingly governed by the commerce controlled chartered venues of thought, whether political, religious or sociological. is this not why the the freedom is equated with the living of the wild and the untamed?

when one is physically engaged in doing some ordered work, like a factory work, one’s physical limbs and organs act joined with the machines one is working with. its routine motions being fully practiced over months and years enables one to separate one’s total awareness of being, of doing what one is doing. that is, one is mentally separated from that place and the work. one enters in a world of day dearm. it enables one to block out the mental discomfort of not being able to escape from the unwanted work. but it does not enable one to physically experience the feeling of being really in that dream world, which disperses with a slight jolt, and one might land in the hard awareness of some unwanted wholesome consequences, like a severed finger or foot or even worse.

this is quite unlike an aware state of being. in an unknown state of being things are happening on their own natural volition. as it is unordered and uncharted, with no fixed point of departure, and hence not certain point of arrival, the goal, or the aim, but simply going, feeling all that is felt without resistance or indulgence.

and nature is pervates everywhere.

additional articles:

an interactive fluttering of wings in the cosmic dance

on being female and feminizm

democracy in india? u.s.a.? anywhere?

nature and nurture

on living wages

the liberal arts

what is in a name?

language as the medium of aware interaction

on formal education: the formula of making a sub-human species

an awakening dreamer in a lucid dreamland

a letter to noam chomsky

the rich need the poor

a wholesome being: an experientially and emotionally motivated sense of being

on aging: like wine, or deteriorating

attention and distraction: ordered and personal

the urban humans: making of a subspecies

a letter to alexandia ocasio cortez

fear of socioeconomic survival of the self image

climate change is manmade; man is made up

on the world stage: dress codes from diapers to dress rehearsal

on being surgically reformed human: and ecologically uncomfortable perception

the i.r.s.: taxation and tax deduction

a letter to congressperson alexandia ocasio-cortez

nature: creator is the creation

expanding the limits

kalejaa, the heart

creating a subspecies: the urban human

sibling rivalry

whence and where to

the me, too, culture: the peer pressure

commercial cannibalism

buddhist economics

decentralization of power

counterculture in capitalism

of trust and trustees

within and without the picture frame

"Whiteman's burden"

life sustains on life



work and workout

on reading and writing

knowledge: intellectual property

mind over matter

medium of communication: english

one or many

economics of procreative organs



selfless act

medal of freedom

rebel with subconscious cause

art: an expression of emotion, and a tool of many unsavory uses

literacy: revolution in the concept of education

on being an actor among pretenders


on ecocentric parenting

between birth and death




culture and counterculture

literacy: knowing what is read


the brains and their function


no-mind: nothingness and no thing-ness

energy: purpose and conservation

poverty : inflicted by others and self imposed

rose by any other name: identity and the content relationship

geology and geo-politics: trails of the old and new world

the american way of life: from the eyes of a foreigner

on noninterference: interfered with the acquired ideals

web of maya: on possessions and being possessed

transfer of authority from infancy to adulthood

emperor without the clothes

laws of nature and laws of man

on science and technology

on being poor or rich

letter to barack obama

on seeing eye to eye

to be or not to be: the sense of being

on language

on seeing what is

on energy

on rearing the young

on education

understanding the place

a proposal for prison reform

individual is indivisible

on the imposed emnity

the social change; an ecological perspective

on education and philanthropy