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creating a subspecies: the urban human

Whence and Where to
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bonobos and chimpanzees are very much alike in looks and both live in the same ecological time zone, yet, their ways of life are different. unlike chimpanzees that eat meat whenever they can get it, the bonobos are vegans, and they are known to settle their internal disagreements amicably instead of through fights. chimpanzees fight and kill. these two are species and subspecies that, having two different outlooks do not interbreed. there are leopards and black leopards that have different looks, but share the same outlooks. and they do interbreed.

within the human species the different looks formed by the different environment, such as mongoloids, cacausian, negroid, etc is only necessitated by the local surrounding. and their outlooks towards life are formed of the ecological surroundings of the areas they live in. despite their diverse looks and outlooks, the biological human beings were members of a single human species until one man, who was either injured or sick, and was helped by his fellow beings liked the being helped so much, that he pretended the continuation of his debilitating ailment that enabled him the fruits of labour of others. he began to think of ways to keep people working for him, so that his physical bodily motions, which includes the mental activities are solely for differentiating himself from those who toil for his sake.

but as nature does not accept this manmade inaction his physical body demanded of him the physical motion, he came up with one way to achieve that: the force. since he was not spending his energy in work, he had ample time to channel his energy in developing muscles to use his strength to subdue the first person who refused to feed him. the immediate physical pain he caused that man was greater than pain that was causing him in working for the sick man, and the sick man was threatening to hurt him constantly unless he did what he was told. so fearing the punishment he complied with the command. then the strong man formed a gang of the subdued people, which he used to overpower other individuals and smaller groups.

if this sounds farfetched imagination study the origin of the bully boys in schools, mob leaders, and observe how a single man’s business deal called the east india trading company thus subdued people, and then collectively becoming a british empire. or observe the thus subdued troop of people splintering into the u.s.a. at the base of all fights, whether between two alpha males or two armed forces is the misperceived sense of lending hand to a person in need for support, whether of physical nature or ideological kind. in a person to person fight one person can overpower another person, but can never fight off a collective of people. so when the thus subdued people try to overthrow the tyranny, the bully person tries to break up such collective opposition by not just force, but also planting dissent in the dissenting group. an indian intellectual in the royal court had devised four ways a king can strengthen his rule: by powwow (saam), bribe (daam), spying (bhed), and failing all, the punishment (dund).

what is different in the growth of the urbanized human child from birth to the full grown human person and a new born of any other group dwelling creature? the young of all other creatures learn the process of the motions of life, leaving the forms of their motions that are never the same even though the anticipated result is the same. thus every hunt varies depending upon the terrain, and the ability of the hunted to fight back or to escape; the foraging for the fruit and fodder, the root, fruit and barriers varies as the roots and fruits underground or above in trees do not grow uniformed the same way in the same branch of the tree for a monkey to sit in the same position and pick the fruit or pull roots one by one from the same hole in a uniformed motion. the urban human child is taught to memorize the form of the motions of life that are uniformly the same as are the end result mechanically the same. it is as simple and plain as inserting a coin and pushing a button that pops up a soda pop. it is thus the same that the things are produced in the assembly line, where a human being moves his hands in a conditioned form upon a product passing before him on a conveyer belt, whether it is a pill or an automobile. it was thus that the manhatten project produced an atom bomb with the human hands moving the parts on the conveyer belt at the end of the line, formed the bomb; from them other pair of hands loading it in the bomber plane, and pressing the buttons dropped it on people.

in its entire formation and the use all urban motions of life is composed of the motions of hands and other limbs moving mechanically. and as in machines, all parts move powered by the energy that is not in the machine itself, but comes from the outside source, whether electricity or the gasoline, the hands involved in the manhatten project or making all consumer products produced on the assembly lines in factories moved and are moving powered by the force that is not of the human persons whose hands they are. they are the ghost hands of the bully connected to the workers. as there is disconnect between the motion and desired outcome of an actual bully person, the same disconnect is implanted in the factory workers. the only difference between the motions produced by a living being and a machine is that all motions of living beings are made in awareness of the life sustaining and enhancing sense of being. machines not being alive have no discerning senses, the intelligence. as there is no biological difference between an enslaved and the enslaving persons, the intelligence awakening sense must be vacated from the enslaved. this is done in the compulsory schooling during the pliable ages between 6 and 16, and in the military boot camp.

then the work of the bully person in subduing more humans became easier as the thus subdued persons began to reproduce, and children began to learn to imitate the motions of life of their parents. this enabled the bully to bypass the hard part involved in training an adult captive, the absence of resistance. then, all that was needed to train the young was to condition their use of hands and limbs to move in precise ways. in every form of the training of the young in schools, churches and every other sociological center the stress is on the training of the physiological motions so much that the biological limbs begin to move habitually without requiring the awareness of the motions and the purpose.

it is thus obvious that the physiological habits are stronger than the awareness of the harming effects of habits. but since it is not in the interests of the bully person who induces that habit forming living in the enslaved, he would want to keep inventing many more forms that dull or even retard the perceptive senses of the enslaved lot.

this difference that is nurtured in the schooling, and which is necessitated by the controlled form of living that can be had only by earning a living made available to only those who learn to earn it sets the urban humans apart even from the primitive human beings. for the non urban human being nothing being made in the assembly line is needed as they do not function in mechanically identical form. these distinctions of work arrangements between employer and employed then creates the distance and difference in the living arrangement necessitating different motions of life, forming different ways of life. the viceroy of the british india is reported to have a staff of three thousand people serving his house, forming a civilian chain of command rivaling that of the armed forces: serving the servants serving the servants serving the servants of the personal servant of the viceroy. the british have left india, but their way of commanded packing order has only expanded. the u.s.a., too, being a former british colony retains the same hierarchical form of function, albeit in dressed up democratic pretences. so though the head of the state is described to be the servant of the people, and is addressed as mister president, leads a life that no king can ever have; the supreme court justices may not wear the wigs like the british justices, but retain the same pomp; all persons in the u.s. courts have to follow the “all rise, and be seated” order.

since biologically there is no difference between the rich and the poor, the rich can maintain the difference only by living in the museum-like houses in the gated community, and supported by the enforcement of the law. they may have dissolved such separation in printed form of the constitution of the country, but the economic power is still retaining the same separation. their ways of life is such that only the rich can afford to have things that are manufactured only for the rich even though things that are made by the very hands that cannot afford to have that for themselves. their societal sphere of interaction enables, and at the same time, limits them to congregate among the people of their own respective class. thus though both of them belong to the same species; they practically exist in two different realms. though biologically they can mate, they can never cut the distance to come close, and if somehow some of them intermarry, find it hard to accommodate their individual habitual way of doing things in their common living that is almost entirely made up of the informed and conditioned way.

an informed living is what actors do on the stage. remove the script from their hands and the stage disperses, distinction ends. what comes next is what the every other living organism experiences. isn’t this why the ultimate sense of being free is equated with the living of the wild creatures living as nature made them?

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