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energy: purpose and conservation

energy. noun. the strength and vitality required for the sustained physical and mental activity. a feeling of possessing such strength and vitality.

conservation. noun. the act of conserving; prevention of injury, decay, waste, or loss; preservation: conservation of wildlife; conservation of human rights.

conserve (v.) late 14c., from old french conserver (9c.), from latin conservare "to keep, preserve, keep intact, guard," from com-, intensiveprefix (see com-), + servare "keep watch, maintain"

the above two pictures point to the energy as it is perceived, and used and abused, for the purpose that is not natural or even well thought out.

it is albeit thought out to its extreme and imposed or self-imposed to enhance the image of the possessor of power. motion is a significant characteristic of both life and energy. and motion is the justification of forms of elements, real or thought out. life forms are distinguished as different specie that have distinctly different biological limbs ad organs. each species' biological motion is thus different from that of another, but similar within a given species. and each species' motion justifies its interaction with things and beings of its surrounding.

among all specie, the human species alone has not yet found its self nature enabling it to interact with its surrounding in the like manner of the form function relationship. obvious are their varied forms of generating and usages of energy with no purpose served except in the fleeting ideology of the moment.

einstein's famous equation: e=mc2 is a step in comprehending formal structure of the thought out universe. in context with either picture, the energy required in moving the bricks or the exercise weights is produced by the body mass of women with the maximum level of speed the human body can produce. the invisible element in both these equations of energy/mass relationship is the mover, which justifies both the energy and motion.

einstein was either lost in marveling the fine intricacy involved in relativity of elements, or had not verbalized his musings of the why factor of the cosmos, which the physicists call the pea factor; for some others it is the god element. but the why factor goes beyond finding the pea and even the maker of pea, the prime cause for all this fusing and confusing of elements on the move, ever expanding both the cosmos and the thought about it. the people in the know are believed to be in agreement that they have reached to within few light years from spotting the actual pea containing what is now a far distant past. physicists agree with the philosophers about the substantial sameness of the material composition of the primordial substance and that of the present day universe, including the earth and the earthlings. so, much like the human brains, the pea or the godhead itself was composed of disjointed elemental instincts that must have formed the compressed whole. and the compressing force was not of the pea, much the same as the function of the human brains is the composite of the conflicting knowledge. whatever the remaining distance between the looking glass of the scientist and the pea factor measured in terms of the cosmic light year is about the same that exists between the habit (knowledge) and newly arising need for breaking loose from it; or in common terms the distance between the heart and mind.

"imagination is more important than knowledge. for knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world," said einstein. (imagination, according to the english etymology is the "faculty of the mind which forms and manipulates images," mid-14c., ymaginacion, from French old imaginacion "concept, mental picture; hallucination," from latin imaginationeum", a fancy, Latin imaginationem (nominative imaginatio) "imagination, a fancy," noun of action from pp. stem of imaginari). and einstein was free to imagine like everybody else, including the prisoners. what set him apart was the subject matter that fascinated the intellectuals in search of the cause of all causes. but knowing something in theory does not in itself mean understanding it. most science professors are not scientists. but once having won the post, they live off its perks. and they not being imaginative, would not like an imaginative, inquisitive student.

the compartmentalized knowledge inadvertently creates narrow mindedness. so someone who is expert of something remains ignorant of something else that may be a matter of common sense for the other. these single tract travelers of outer space earn their upkeep by serving the powerhouses of the life on earth, political and commercial. an english lord acton had observed: "power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. great men are almost always bad man." but many of the great men who had quoted him, had left out that part that did not reflect well on them. the very notion of good and evil itself is defined by the powerhouse of the earthly godheads. and the powerhouse siphons energy from the masses.

the powerhouse has no form or sense of purpose or direction except that of the self preservation. it is not a material of physical nature. it is that motivating factor that drives the energy of the individual in the manner of the slave drivers of the plantation era. nor does it have any sense of purpose that justifies the existence of energy or its use. it is thus, that the same source of energy is used by two different persons for differing and even contradictory purposes. war is the ultimate example of energy used in opposing sides; neither really knowing whether the energy employed was the right means to one's desired result. not knowing in itself is nothing but knowing that the substance of life is not subject to the thought out functions of the forms of life. and any way of life that can be defined and instilled through physical and mental conditioning requires efforts. it requires energy to suppress the natural instinctive motions of life.

there are several other group dwelling creatures other than the humans, the other two primates, elephants and some other four legged or winged specie. they all socialize in each species' unique way. though not mechanically the same, each member of a given species acts in a like manner. as for the human species, it seems as if each and every modern urbanite is a separate species, and not just the two different location's geography creating different justifications for interactions.

the pea factor of this thinking urban human species is the thought. thought does not have the physical limitations of limbs and organs; even a paraplegic can think, as is the case with stephen hawking, or as did einstein as a minor petty clerk. it is not the newtonian thought of the fittest to survive, but to survive with the thought of the one up-ness. for this comparative one upness one has to have those who would be the lesser beings. for the sake of this comparative worth, the humans have thought out the class system. the thus classified imposition of the identity of the humans re-establishes the form-function relationship of those who are determined to be lesser beings. this is done with the use of power of information as well as physical conditioning.

individually humans have understood the nature of this artificial identity imposed upon people. but the energy created by the body mass of an individual is no match against the energy of the entire generation that is harnessed in supporting the division of classes. for instance, gandhi had observed, that "it is not in the interests of the rich to cooperate with the poor; it is in the interests of the poor to non cooperate with the rich. it is not money that is evil, it is the wrong use of it that is evil." those who worked with gandhi were not free of their conditioned outlook. so they made him a mahatma, and thus conditionally excluded themselves from having to use their mental faculty, their energy for the very purpose they were following gandhi. the division of classes is not only in terms of the unequal distribution of the material resources, for the biology of the rich is not different from that of the poor. the difference is created in wrong use of the physical body by the way of the work related artificial identities. and the work most people do is not attuned to the biology of the poor or the rich.

the abuse of the biological being retards the growth and functions of those limbs and organs that are not activated. the urban work force is composed of the bright brains like einstein, as well as those who work in sweatshops from dawn to dusk, all producing energy to fatten the bank balance of the rich. now both gandhi and einstein had understood the energy generated by the mass, einstein's depicted in equation, and gandhi's in the non cooperation of the masses of people. einstein was a theorist who understood the physics in thought. likewise, he was a pacifist in theory, so in practice he split the concept of pacifism into pacifist and absolute pacifist enabling him to sign a letter to the u.s. president urging him to develop the atom bomb. gandhi's non wavering stance impressed einstein to state on the occasion of gandhi's birthday: "generations to come, it may well be, will scarce believe that such a man as this one ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.” in essence, like other single tract geniuses, einstein was free to think in absolute terms, but was physically as handicapped as any other to be able to shake off his biological conditioning.

this one upness being all about the thought out outcome, is then thought further in achieving it, sooner the better, and at no harm to thinker. this makes for the end justifying the means. it leaves no room for reasoning and justifying the end in view. this leaves only one way, and that is by keeping others from being equal to one. the biological body of the rich does not distinguish any change in the firsthand experience of being in a surrounding where all others are equal to one. the comparative worth is solely for the thought out existence. it is this insecure state of one's worth in others' thoughts for which the energy is perceived as a tool. in so doing energy is thought as an object rather than as a transitory elemental form.

in e=mc2, energy is only the mass in motion transforming in energy, not only at the speed of light, but faster than that, as well as the slowest motion. when the resisting matter has the same substantial mass in equal proportion, there is the standoff. likewise when the force is used upon the non responding substance, there is no desired impact, like throwing punches in the air. similarly, adding to gandhi's observation quoted earlier, if the poor are not impressed by the riches of the rich, but rather see it as a mental deficiency of the rich that keeps them from knowing when enough is enough, and that enough is all one needs. any energy spent in earning more than what needs, whether building up an empire of wealth or muscles is wasted energy.

imagine how much energy has been abused in creating all those humongus structures, the taj mahal and pyramid, sistine chapel, angkorwat, and any of the modern structures; the wars and the war weapons; praying to the almighty and in meditation retreats; cathartic sensations through drugs and entertaining objects; the fashion and cosmetic industry. imagine a state of being of humans to be such that there is no distinction between living and earning a living. it is only when one is conditioned to submit to the knowledge that without working for someone else one cannot acquire the means of sustenance like food, water shelter and companionship, that the urbanizing culture arises.

due to the different upbringing and education one seeks the work from a long list of professions ranging from that of mother teresa to inventing yet more effective killer weapon; mother teresa serving the poor as the servant of god, or the inventor of weapon as the employee of a weapon factory. both unwittingly worked to sustain the ego of the rich, one by accepting the donation, and the other by working to safeguard the rich. the saint and the killer both are the products of thought that has not been thought out in concert with each other. mother teresa's diary depicts her doubt in the makeup of her beliefs. but in practice, the very humbleness of servant of god is still within the same fold that created the segregation of classes. and she as a woman was raised to accept her lowliness. taking vows of poverty is an acceptance of the segregation of classes, and a religion that performs such vows is invented as an energetic tool to retain the socioeconomic apartheid.

imagine a cosmos without the segregation among elements, or the cause of all causes where all distinction have come to cease, illusions have dispersed. a state of being that has to prove nothing to anybody, the competing impulse of segregation not forming. such a state of cosmic harmony of primordial elements would also reflect the same harmonious interactions of cells in human brains.

now imagine each one's own use of brains in finding means and method of the energy in its production and use. humans, like all other creatures derive energy from the natural elements, like food, water and air. by nature, an adult creature is endowed with the necessary energy. as social animals the humans have also learnt to help one another in common cause. things worked well until by nature's design or accident, someone formed a liking for being helped but not helping others. the others saw that to be wrong, but like now did not do anything about it, out of the fear of losing the person who otherwise was alright. the most overlooking or ignoring someone's faults or misbehavior is this fear of losing. and love and respect are glorified excuses for not stating the facts. then, anything repeated too often for too long becomes a biological norm. many ailments and addictions are thus accepted as unavoidable consequences arising from the way people are expected to live, are induced to live by the decree of the powerhouse in the form of religious, political and commercially social laws.

the other means of production of energy, such as geothermal and nuclear and solar, wind and hydroelectric are used when what is needed to be done is for larger common good. but what is common is nothing but what every individual person needs as a member species. it leaves out the comparative urge to shine out, the fear of not being noticed not manifesting. when every individual utilizes only enough energy, it spares some physical and mental energy that collectively may be used for the larger tasks. that works only when one's individual good is not more or less than that of anybody else. in the division of classes every person is a professional who is assigned a seat on the stepladder of descending scale from top to the ground, each one with a defined function and value attached to it. but the energy the worker spends comes from the physical body, and not the job title. it is this value in the form of wages that creates a lack for some and over abundance for the other.

and all this energy that is generated and used and abused is, almost entirely for the sake of creating maintaining and defending an ideal image of oneself in others' thoughts, be that other one's thought out image of one's beloved child, spouse, friend, or feared authority of state or employer, or even god. the other does the same. thus when two persons meet, initially there may be six of them: one as what one thinks the other is, second as what the other person thinks one is, and the third one as one is. the same triplets are on the other side.

wonder how much energy each one of us wasting in trying to relate to the thought out images of things and beings!


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on aging: like wine, or deteriorating

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the urban humans: making of a subspecies

a letter to alexandia ocasio cortez

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on being surgically reformed human: and ecologically uncomfortable perception

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a letter to congressperson alexandia ocasio-cortez

nature: creator is the creation

expanding the limits

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creating a subspecies: the urban human

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whence and where to

the me, too, culture: the peer pressure

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medium of communication: english

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on energy

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