ink-quest as a literary journal of thinking came about from the fireside
discussions in san francisco in 1973, to enable others who could not
physically participate in the collective thinking, and a participant, who
owned a printing press, volunteered to donate the printing of the verbal
form on to the paper.
initially, ink-quest is an inquiry in the ecocentric existence in medium
of language written on paper using ink. language is a medium of expression,
and expression conveys interactive needs between two persons
and among the people at large. needs are ecocentrically biological,
and all living elements individually or communally communicate
across the contours that distinguish forms. without the contours all
forms merge into nothingness. and the nothingness that is arrived at
every motion of life, whether this motion is tactile, visual or ethereal.
in mundane language it is the sense of satisfaction, quench or relief.
it is non-sense, sensing nothing at the end of the biological motion,
like a drink of water negating the feeling of thirst.
anybody who reads what is expressed in these pages in words or visual
images first receives the content in the form of sensations as
feelings, pleasant or unpleasant, and responds to it as acceptance or
rejection. if accepted it then evolves into assimilation into one’s mundane
motions of life, as one does in reading the traffic signs; or rejects
it by putting the journal down or by throwing away in the trash. but
once some form is created it keeps evolving interacting with other
elements, until it arrives into a state where nothing further needs to
be done. all motions of all forms of existence are like that, like it is
breathing, inhaling air freshened by plant life that thrives in the air
exhaled by animal life. so, too, when what is expressed in these pages
will have each individual reader’s input coming to life in various forms,
whether acting upon it personally or in form of action collectively
manifesting in evolving into a living that is as smooth as an infant’s
expressions, too, when arising from the natural urge for the motion
feels smooth both in conveying and receiving, even when what is conveyed
and heard generate disturbance from the norm. disturbance is
nothing but a commotion of life. thus any form of expression must
generate a naturally needed commotion. it is only a wishful thinking
that generates no need to act. an expression born of an ulterior
motive, having words with no precise meanings generate reaction
only in words, actual action not called for. being fed with thought,
speech and actions made of the ulterior motives, expressed by teachers,
preachers, politicians, the commercials and the media persons
people then habitually abuse their own thinking, speech and actions,
and yet expect to be seen sane and compassionate.
copy of printed articles are also sent to the heads of state and other
persons whenever the content of the texts concern them, imploring
them to take appropriate actions. readers, too, may send the journal
to other persons.
‘ink-quest is a forum in which anyone may participate in bringing
about new in thinking that is prelude to a fundamental change. since
the interdependence among elements in nature is given, the thinking,
too, is naturally a collective endeavor, whether being in a group, or sitting
alone responding to an event. it matters not whos says, but what
is said furthers the quest. so articles are printed, without authors’
names on the merit of the contents. upon receipt the acknowledgment
will be sent along with the response or suggestions.
Inquiries and articles may be sent to:
ink-quest, span-foundation.org
400 south pecan street
dermott, arkansas 71638, u.s.a.
email: quarterly-journal@span-foundation.org
click here to view and download "inkquest: journal of thinking anew — autumn 2023" in PDF format.

writing is a medium that transports both the writer and the reader from their verbal existence in the reams of paper into the same physical realm they both exist, albeit initially unawares. once being aware, one observes that much of what seems to be only a personal problem is in fact what everybody experiences, and it ceases to hurt simply by telling the person who causes it.
by putting my existential problem in the book form as poems and letters i am showing where it hurts. by reading, you may tell me what the cure is, if you are not also a contributing factor of the problem we all are riddled with.
by nature, when entering the sphere of perceptive senses,
elements interact dissolving the contours that separate the thought out physical from non physical realm of being, such as that of the reader from that of the read.
it was thus that while reading a japanese novel about three
sisters, one, yukiko told me: “since you have not even one problem of your own, while i have one problem too many, will you please hold it while i work on other problems?” naturally i said yes, and yukiko left me with one of her problems.
then, thinking that it was not my problem, i left it as she had
given, not realising then, that the problem, too, is a living
element. though one does not see its non visible form, one nevertheless experiences its discomforting presence. that problem then started breeding further problems so i started looking for yukiko, and when i finally met her, said to her: “ here is your problem and all its offspring.”
“no,” said she,“for i had given you just one problem that i will take back. the rest are yours to work on.”
in physical sphere, when i had started to interact with the printed form of yukiko from the japanese novel, “sashame yuki”, from the ‘unesco library’ in bangkok, my siamese friend received a letter from japan, and the sender’s name was yukiko. i asked, and my friend gave me her address, and i wrote to her. yukiko replied, and thus in the following five years we wrote some 150 letters to each other, further enlivening her nonphysical existence, and at the same time enabling her to relate to my equally nonphysical form..
when we finally met in the physical plane we had no clue how we existed. and that created a dream in which yukiko and i were a three legged being, walking embracingly in the netherland of the midnight sun in the tropical forest; and everything was just as it would have to be. what was different was that we had the middle leg in common, from the knees down.
the first letter i had received was from a teenager yukiko, who, on physical plane had commented on my being with, “how old are you? 17? 16? 15?”
this book of poems, and also the e-book of “unamerican dreams and dissent” is an experiential state of being that may be
approached only when one, the reader, also lets oneself to be in a reciprocal experiential state of existence.
thus, while reading these poems if it evokes even a minute
disturbance in your mundane sphere of existence ~ and it is in the nature of being even to remove a small pebble that somehow got into the shoe to disturb, this writer would feel justified in creating a disturbance for you.
remove that which is disturbing, but not what brings forth the disturbance in your perception.
after all, it’s not just this person and yukiko who have middle leg in common, and heads apart, for, all the elements in nature are interconnected, and can exist only in interdependence. since separating the two by severing the middle leg, both of them will only fall, it is the heads that must come together. and nature has given us the various means of communication: talking with those who are close by, writing to ones who are far. And in
internet and print form, when one has to convey it to more than a person or two.
click here to download the book "pulling the rug from under the feet" in ePub format.

in the buddhist perception the human mind is not the physical organ, the brains. nor it is the memory that actually prevents the coming into being the process of the act of minding. mind is thus not a noun of an object, but a verb referring to the formative process of knowing what is; being aware, knowing without it becoming the knowledge; the linking of cause-effect relationship of elements in motion.
thus the book, ‘unamerican dreams and dissent’ for the matter of fact is about every thought, thing and action that all of us have in the course of our day to today living. a friend with whom this writer had a very close contact had often times argued with this writer, saying, “ it is very unlike of you to think so.” and he would ask her first to determine, whether he was that person that she thought he was.
one may see how all the various things and beings have been forming this - or any person - in the course living all throughout the years, which, too, is in the ever evolving state of being. so it has no fixed identity. some persons have tried to impose a barrier, commonly known as ‘ identity’ upon one, who is seen to be helpful to the creators and supporters of such identities. most often, such people are the ones who are close associates with soft power of affection or hard power of currency.
and unless one is prepared to alienate them all, and go alone, love -- refer to the etymology of the word: love, which is in old german; lupa, and in sanskrit: lobh, meaning greed. It is the meaning still in use, such as: love of money - and respect will continue to be used only to hide one’s fear of being left out in the cold.
© 2007–2020 span, inc
click here to download the book "unamerican dreams and dissent" in ePub format.
all actions require energy in physical and material forms. so, too, ‘span’ is supported by the concerned individuals. much of this has been in the in-kind form, either providing things needed or loaning the use of equipment. and those who have donated substantial amount of cash have not sought the tax deductions. ‘span’ does not seek funding from the rich individuals and corporations who are rich simply because they interact with their fellow beings in an unecological way, by taking more and giving less. and even when they donate, they pass that amount to the i.r..s. for the tax deduction, and further yet, they use their pretended giving as free advertisements in the media, such as, in the n.p.r. announcements:“the funding for this program was provided by...’
'span' accepts any donations that are not taken away from the rightful recipients, and as a tax exempt non profit educational organization reports all such receipts to the i.r.s. as required by law.
and it is the rich who seek out the greedy bureaucrats and corrupt them. but beyond that, any government can function only when its work is supported by the conscientious citizens. it is for these reasons that ‘span’ does not provide the letter of the proof of donation for the tax write-off.
if you would like to support the work of span foundation monetarily the proper thing to do is to contact any individuals or groups in your neighbourhood that operate like span foundation, and help them directly without us being in the middle unnecessarily. otherwise checks for ‘span’ should be made to ‘span, ink.’ and mailed to:
400 south pecan street
dermott, ar 71638 |